662 Volume 18 – No. 4  October 5 - 2023

Soggy September

Welcome to Edition Four of your Bulletin.
September saw the rain interfere with our General Assembly and forced cancellation of one meeting, but other good things still happened.
So, in the spirit of Rotary, why not record the good as well as a little bad (weather) here for a broader audience?
Among the interesting items in this edition, we have:
  • President Walter’s message:
  • A General Assembly attended by the District Governor;
  • Some new Paul Harris Fellows,
  • PP Sam's tribute to PP Arnaud.
  • Dr Johan’s Kamala Bowls Club event;
  • The successful completion of the Lenses for Learning and Learn to Swim programmes.
  • An update on the Lenses for Learning Global Grant application.
  • An update on our two Rotary Exchange Students.
  • The induction of three new members;
  • How Rotarians handled the recent rains.
  • A charity contribution with a difference.
  • Registration for the Singapore Rotary International Convention in 2024.n
More details are below, so read on.
Alastair Carthew
Upcoming Events
Board Meeting
Oct 31, 2023
5:45 PM – 6:45 PM
Board Meeting
Nov 28, 2023
5:45 PM – 6:45 PM
Annual General Meeting
Dec 16, 2023
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
View entire list

Meeting Information

We meet every Tuesday at 19:00 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Patong, except on the first Tuesday of the month when we have our dinner-out.
The first 30 minutes we enjoy fellowship, followed by a dinner. Our events last until 21:00.
Please check our event calendar to check any last minute changes.
Buffet 500.00 THB, drinks separate (self payment).

see location on map click here
Now, Please Read Carefully

President's Address 

One quarter of the Rotary year 2023-24 is already history. 
Looking back over the last three months, I realised that our Rotary club was pretty active. To find out more, our revamped monthly Bulletin gives more detailed updates on our various activities.

Dedicated Teams
So far, I am enjoying my presidency because I'm working with a fantastic and motivated board team, and we have an excellent, diverse membership. That makes the president’s job not only easier but more satisfying.
The year, however, started with the passing of PP Arnaud, which was a shock to all. Our club mourned his death, but we also got on with helping the Phuket community, as PP Arnaud himself did in so many ways.

Rotary Youth Exchange Students
We also welcomed Leah Brown, a 16-year-old Rotary Youth Exchange student from the Bluffton Rotary Club in Indiana. U.S.A. PP Best’s son, Colin, is a Rotary Youth Exchange student in Frankfurt, Germany.

Charitable Work
On the charity front, the Learn to Swim programme continued helping dozens of children in various schools on Phuket; we completed the first Lenses for Learning projects and launched a new Global Grant to help support and expand this programme.
I thank the dedicated Rotarians who gave so much time to make these programmes successful.

Membership Thriving
Membership continued to thrive. Alastair Carthew, a former member, rejoined, and we got three new members in the first three weeks--Roberto Turcato, Nadia El Bakri, and Uma Allegria. Uma's official induction was postponed due to the cancellation of two meetings. About four prospective members are in the membership committee's evaluation process.

Mentorship Programme
Increasing membership is great, but we must continue offering all new members a good mentorship programme, by keeping them actively involved in club life. A byproduct of being a Rotarian is the lifelong friendships developed and cultivated. Our membership footprint includes every age, stage, shade, and shape of people!
Dr. Johan Storck filled the position of foundation chair, which was vacant after PP Arnaud's passing. Congratulations, and thank you to Dr. Johan for taking over this position. 

DG’s Visit
The so-called highlight of the year is usually the District Governor (DG) visit, followed by a club assembly attended by the DG. However, this year it was different. The weather put a damper on our plans. As a result, only the official DG visit with the President and some board members took place. Read more in the DG Visit article.
Yours in Rotary
Walter Wyler

DG Visit

Once a year, the District Governor makes an official visit to each Club in the District.

The purpose of the visit:

• To allow the District Governor to communicate with the club members;

• To be a helpful counselor to further the Object of Rotary among the clubs in the District and to assist those clubs that may need some guidance;

• To motivate Rotarians to participate in service activities to strengthen the programs of Rotary;

• Bring attention to important Rotary issues as they pertain to both the RI and District levels;

• Recognize the contributions of Rotarians in the Club

In the official part of the DG visit, President Walter gave DG Dr. Chatchawal an overview of our Club and goals for this year. The DG and president had an interesting discussion about the Club and District to ensure the English-speaking clubs might get better integrated into the district work.

Due to heavy rain and a storm, the rest of the DG visit was canceled – see the article Rain, Rain go away in this bulletin – and those who made it despite the severe weather conditions had a lovely Ginner with the DG, his spouse Panitha and AG Kriangyut.

Please click here to see the slides presented to our DG

Four PHF's
At the General Assembly, our District Governor, Dr. Chatchawal Telavanich, handed Paul Harris Fellow awards to PP Best and Dr. Johan. PP Denis and PP David, who were absent, were also made Paul Harris Fellows.
Congratulations to these stalwarts of our club. The dedication all have shown since the club's inception in 2001 has been exceptional. Three are past presidents--David (2006), and Best (2011) and Denis (2013). 
These awards bring the club’s number of PHF Fellows to seventeen, plus the Arch Klumph Society award to Emeritus member and PP Arnaud for contributions over USD 250,000
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or have contributions made in their name, of USD 1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
If you would like to join Rotary please copy and paste this URL for more information: https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/join 
Our PHFs are in good company. Other Paul Harris Fellows include U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and polio vaccine developer Jonas Salk.
As of 2006, there were more than one million PHF Fellows.

Oops! Sorry 

A big apology to anyone looking at the last Bulletin on your cellphone and finding text and pictures did not fit into your teensy-weensy phone screen.
We are sorting out a few shakedown issues with the new format, which will correct this minor hiccup. Bear with us.
Or if you find the problem persists, let the editor know at: editor@rotarypatong.org   

Rain, Rain, Go Away. 

A few intrepid Rotarians set out for our General Assembly, but sadly, some did not make it—a small matter of rain and more rain.
The Bulletin quickly surveyed how our members were coping with missing this important meeting. It seems the communication on Line was very good (Cabbie take a bow), with a few typos along the way…
Cabbie somewhere on route: Two hours typing in the stationary traffic. Been in my car for over two Boris, and I’ve travelled 21km. (Editor’s note: We presume Cabbie meant “hours” and not “Boris.” That’s the disgraced British prime minister). Typing on social media apps can be more dangerous than being trapped in a big puddle.
Sam: 2 1/2 hours now back home. (Some lawyers have all the luck.)
Joe: Cabbie, sincere thanks for alerting all of us to the flooding. I'd be stuck in it if you had not warned us. (Editor’s note: You were saved several Borises in the car, Joe)
Stewart (Last heard of from the depths of Africa), Geez (a quaint American expression)-everyone. Please stay safe (Editor’s note: Safer than confronting a water buffalo.)
Walter: Tonight's meeting was cancelled; too many can make it. (Editor’s note: We presume our president meant “not” too many can make it.)  
Anand: “I am on a bike and still unable to cross the hill from Meridien to Patong due to heavy flood. (Editor’s note: On a bike? Easier to swim!)

We Are Going Global 

The Lenses for Learning Global Grant just got much better with generous grants from Scholarship Chair JP and Rotary Clubs in Germany and the United States.
A total of USD 5800 and Euro 4500 has been pledged, with possibly more to come.
Here’s the story so far from Rtn Bill.
JP Gives Euro 3000.
Thank you to our Scholarship Chair, Jean-Pierre Philippe, for contributing Euro 3000 to the Rotary Club de Gardanne in France.  JP personally knows the importance of eyeglasses in his life, so he made our grant happen.
But wait, as Bill tells the story, there is much more.
The Americans Are Coming.
Two days after JP and Rotary Club de Gardanne made their commitment, Bill received two emails at two in the morning from the U.S., which, presumably, resulted in a sleepless but happy night. The call advised him that the Rotary Club Spokane 21 and Monterey Rotary Club each approved USD 2900 donations. This follows an appeal by the Rotary Club of Chiang Mai.
And Then the Germans 
And then PP Andy Becker, who is off vacationing but working his magic around the globe, brought us more good news. PP Andy notified us the Rotary Club Bargteheide in Germany has committed EUR 1500,
and the Rotary Club Shouson Hill in Hong Kong is interested but has not yet committed. Well done, Andy and enjoy your time on holiday. Your work here is done.
ADG Dr John Schorr’s Help
Bill tells a personal story of how Assistant District Governor Dr. John Schorr gave him help and guidance with the Global Grant application.
“John is also the founder of the Children's Safety Water Program and has raised funds for the Banya Save a Child Swim program. It has been my good fortune to have him as a mentor. I hope, wish and dream that Dr. Schorr comes to speak to us one day. At least two Rotarians are willing to host him because he is so good.”  
Still Work To Do.
Bill and his team are not resting on their laurels. He says: “We still have work to get eyeglasses on our students. The next steps are to determine the final amount for the grant, get three quotations from suppliers, determine the best supplier, and send the grant request to Rotary International for approval. Once the grant is approved, we can open a bank account, transfer the money, and BUY EYEGLASSES.”
We Are Saving Thailand's Kids 
The Learn to Swim programme handed out 102 certificates from three schools in a magnificent effort to reduce the number of Thai children lost through drownings.
Rtn Jacky reports certificates were handed over at Ban Phakhongchip (55), Wat Mount Mai (33) and Ban Lamsai (14).
Attending the certificate ceremony at Ban Phakhongchip school on 27 September on behalf of our club were Rtn Dr Johan, Rtn Nicha and Rtn Larry. All the teachers at each school attended, as did a representative of JD Pools, which has generously supported the project.
Dr. Johan gave a speech on behalf of RCPB.
Congratulations to all the children who completed the programme, and a special thanks to the members who gave up so much of their time to participate.
Our learn to swim programme is part of a more extensive Thailand initiative to decrease the alarming number of children under 15 drowning… and it's pleasing to report that overall, it’s working.
Under the Ministry of Public Health’s MERIT MAKER initiative, started in 2015, the number of drownings among children under 15 has decreased by 33.5% between 2014 and 2020.
Our programme is part of the continuing effort to keep improving this figure. What a wonderful sight it must be for our Rotarians to see a Thai kid who can swim enough to save himself in the sea, pool or river. 
If you like to see more photos please click here to have a look at your photo album 

Sam's Tribute to Arnaud 

Our emeritus member and the fifth president of our club, Arnaud, would have been sixty-three on 24 September 2023.
PP Sam and his wife, Khun Da, decided to mark the event with a visit to the Belgium Brasserie (his favourite place where Arnaud went daily), where they had a few beers (and bought him some cigarettes!).
Along with Alain and Lin (owners of the brasserie), they toasted our dearly missed friend at midnight. Arnaud’s patronage of the brasserie is recorded with a picture of him on the wall. 

Bowl Up for Rotary

Rtn Dr Johan said the event at Kamala Bowls Club on Saturday, 30 September was for "us." He got that right.
Around 40 happy people, plus a dog, turned up to fulfil Dr Johan's wishes. 
President Walter was spotted, as was Leah Brown, our Rotary Exchange Student, who manned the table soccer board with enthusiasm.
There was a cute, white, wholly dog whose name the editor forgot to ask; and two little Thai girls, Emily and Alicha, who tore around the bowling green with great excitement.
Rtn Larry manned the bar for a while, as did others throughout the afternoon. Everyone generously brought along food. The giant hamburgers were a great hit.
One of the tug of war teams cheated with an extra person; the dog roamed freely, the kids threw stuff around, and the adults indulged in some intense bowls. Sec Anand displayed a dab hand for a first time bowler.
There was much conversation over food and drink that was not about Rotary. Just people catching up with each other in the normal sort of way you do on a Saturday afternoon casual gathering.
All in all Dr Johan achieved his objective on a fine day (it's true) in Kamala. Thank you for your service young man! 
If you like to see more photos please click here to have a look at your photo album 
Super Siam Supper
What do Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and baked goat cheese have in common?
A super supper at The Siam Supper Club in Cherng Talay, that's what.
Rotarians, friends and family enjoyed an elegant night out beneath large black and white photographs of some of America's most famous celebrities.
Rtn Alex welcomed everyone to enjoy a menu of Parker House rolls, house cured salmon tartare, baked goat cheese and ham hock terrine for starters followed by a choice of roasted corn agnolotti, Norwegian salmon fillet or herb roasted Klong Phai Farm's chicken washed down with wines from the Supper Club's extensive cellar.
Rotary exchange student Leah Brown was present to celebrate her birthday with a special cake. 
Thank you Rtn Alex for organizing a memorable night out.
For more photos please have a look at our photo album by clicking here



Leah and Colin 

PP and recent PHF recipient Best provided this update on our two Rotary Fellowship students.
“Colin (Wanamakok) is enjoying new life experiences in Frankfurt, Germany.  He recently attended a one-week language camp with other exchange students at a mountain resort about two hours north of Kelsterbach, where he lives with his host family.  The tram plus subway plus bus commute to and from school is different than Phuket.”
Colin reports no Thai food yet, so bread is his main diet.  Best continues in the resigned tone of the father of a teenager: “Aside from keeping the usual ‘I don't want to do what I don't like to do’ attitude in check, Colin is starting to integrate and learn to live with people from a different culture, showing interest in others instead of only his own, and most importantly managing his expectations of how life works.”
He will be a great citizen of Thailand one day (editor).
“Leah (Brown) from the U.S. has been in Phuket for over one month and is enjoying herself at home and school.  She has visited many places in and around Phuket Phang Nga and Bangkok one weekend with her host family, Dr. Chuchart and Khun. Aor. 
Leah has tried a few Thai dishes but is still trying to adapt to a different diet. School can be a bit boring for her for the understandable reason that most classes are in Thai. However, the school will adjust her classes to include more hands-on subjects such as traditional Thai dancing, cooking, gardening, and such that are available for younger students. 
Thai Classes
Leah is taking online Thai classes organised by the District three times per week, plus private classes after school.  A few RCOPB Rotarians have taken her out for coffee and such. So far so good.” Good one Best.
We are sure Leah will be not only a great ambassador for Thailand, but will one day achieve her dream of being a diplomat for the United States. (editor) 

Charitable Donation 

On Saturday, 3 September 2023, a charitable event was held at The Slate Hotel, Nai Yang.
Several of our members attended to support this worthwhile fund raiser.
A caricature of Bill Bensley, the noted architect and painter, was submitted, by the editor, on an invitation to help raise money for our club.
Fortunately, someone liked the picture (the buyer has not been revealed, but we suspect it is Bill) and coughed up BHT 23,364. The caricature is of Bill, with small excerpts from his colourful and eclectic paintings, plus his five dogs. 
Thank you to OB for liaising with the organisers so our club could benefit.

Singapore Slings Anyone?

A reminder to those wishing to attend the Rotary International Convention in Singapore 25-29 May 2024 that there is an early bird discount if you register before 15 December 2023.
The convention will feature Singapore’s world-class dining and cultural events, distinguished speakers, energising breakout sessions and much more.
For mor information and registration click here
A big thanks to all who contributed content to this Bulletin.
Member Birthdays
Walter Wyler
October 1
Rainer B Schmitz
October 5
Jean-Pierre Philippe
October 13
Karen Eidsvik
October 25
Roby Turcato
October 26
Gordon R. McInally
RI President
Chatchawal Telavanich
District Governor 3330
RC Samut Sakhon
Walter Wyler
RC Patong Beach
The Rotary Club of Patong Beach is a multicultural organization with members from 19 different nations
 © 2023  All rights reserved.