Bulletin 664 Volume 18 – No. 6  December - 2023


(November is derived from the Latin Novem, meaning "nine. It was the ninth month of the year before January and February were added to the Roman calendar.)
A little editorializing to give thanks is in order after our AGM on 28 November 2023.
As voluntary organisations, Rotary clubs inject expertise, experience, fellowship and, yes, love, into the communities they serve. Our club is the same as the other approx. 46,000 clubs around the world.
At its heart making the club are those who serve as board members and project chairs. The countless volunteer hours these Rotarians give to our club are appreciated, if not always openly acknowledged.
So here's a big pre-Christmas "thank you" to those who have served in various capacities since 2001 and the newly elected crew starting work in July next year.
We salute your service.
Oh, and by the way: we reached 40 members for the first time in our history this month. Hurrah! Now 41.
Now, on with this month's show.
  • A New President
  • The Vote
  • AGM Stuff
  • What A Line-Up
  • Welcome Rtn Matthew
  • Four new members
  • But Wait, There's More!
  • Profiles in Rotary.
  • BDO support.
  • Club reports 
  • Four Points staff.
  • Surfin' & Turfin' with Soul
  • A note to Colin.
  • A Little Male Bonding
  • Pascal Returns
  • Shrinking? Nah!
  • OB's Next Big Bash
  • Orienteering!
  • Fore!
  • Condolences 
  • And whatever else comes along.
P.S. We have increased the type size to Arial 14  for the convenience of some readers.
Upcoming Events
Christmas Party 2023
Dec 16, 2023
6:15 PM – 10:00 PM
Board Meeting
Jan 09, 2024
5:45 PM – 6:45 PM
View entire list

Meeting Information

We meet every Tuesday at 19:00 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Patong, except on the first Tuesday of the month when we have our dinner-out.
The first 30 minutes we enjoy fellowship, followed by a dinner. Our events last until 21:00.
Please check our event calendar to check any last minute changes.
Buffet 500.00 THB, drinks separate (self payment).

see location on map click here

What A Line-Up

The AGM on 28 November 2023 (brought forward so we can have a bigger booze up at the Christmas Party) elected a fine body of Rotarians to various titles for the 2024-25 year. The new bosses will take over on 1 July, 2024.
Congratulations to the following office holders:
President Cabbie Rein
President Elect Alex Longman
Vice President Jonathan Russell
Secretary: Joe Gerardi
Treasurer: Pascal de Corte
Immediate Past President:
Walter Wyler
Photos: From Left to Right: Cabbie, Alex, Jonathan, Joe, Pascal and Walter.
Congratulations Rtn Cabbie, Our Second Woman President.

Well the votes are in to prove democracy is alive and well in our club.

Rtn Cabbie was elected our second woman president (Karen Eidsvik-Moody was first in 2018) with 70.8% (17-5) of the vote over Rtn Frank. Twenty-five votes were distributed from an excellent 62.5% attendance.

The Vote

As a result of Cabbie’s election, the following people were elected: President-elect Rtn Alex (100%-24 votes); Vice-President PP Jonathan (91.3%-23); Secretary Rtn Joe (100%-24) and Treasurer Rtn Pascal (100%-24).

Congratulations to all those elected. We will be keeping an eye on you from 1 July 2024.

President Walter has alluded to the need for a succession plan in the club to lead us through the next few years. The election of the new board reflects this commitment to have people on the board with experience to enable smooth transitions going forward.

Thank you to Rtns Karen, Andy and Jacky for acting as scrutineers. Good to know someone in the club can count!
Thanks Anand, Sam and Walter 
A big thank you to Rtn Anand and PP Sam for their tireless work as secretary and treasurer. Walter: A special shout out to Immediate Past President Walter, who stepped into the breach with determination and efficiency. Our club is indebted to Walter for his unstinting work on its behalf over many years, and particularly this year. He remains president until 1 July, 2024. 
Matthew's Big Moment
Matthew Cutt from BDO was inducted during the AGM. Matthew, an Australian, will be an alternative to Rtn Ewe, also from BDO under their corporate membership.
There were many other matters of note during the evening apart from the election.
President Walter led a tribute was paid to PP Arnaud Verstraete who passed away on 4 July 2023 aged 62. PP Arnaud was a hugely generous benefactor of our club and Rotary in general. He is very much missed. PP Sam presented the financial statement and auditors report from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023. 
All in all a pretty amazing AGM. A second woman president and experienced board elected; induction of our forty-first member, a new record,   

 We Keep Growing

The Fourteenth of November was a great day--three of four new members were inducted. All inductees bring an impressive array of life experience to our club, including a corporate member. Ewe and Harald from Germany and Erik from the Netherlands were inducted on 14 November and Matthew from Australia was inducted on 28 November. Their experiences cover accounting, IT, and the dental industry. 
From Left to Right: Ewe, Harald, Erik and Matthew
The new members are:
Ewe Heitmann, managing partner at BDO accounting firm on Phuket. From Germany, Ewe worked for Mercedes Benz in various countries, coming to Bangkok in 1994. He founded an accounting firm in 1995, then moved to Phuket in 2004. In 2022, he joined BDO worldwide.  BDO supports the Youth Football Home, a foundation established after the 2004 Tsunami to help underprivileged Thai children. BDO is entitled to two memberships, so Matthew Cutt, another principal of the firm, will alternate with Ewe on occasions. Sponsor: President Walter.
Matthew Cutt, from Australia, director of BDO (alternate). Mattew is a qualified accountant. He enjoys running and all types of sports.  
Erik Nieboer is Dutch, although he was born in Germany. After working in finance for Mazda, Erik became involved in the dental industry in the Netherlands and Singapore, where he met Jacky, part of a family firm that owned a dental company. Eventually, he resigned a CFO job in Singapore and came to Phuket, where he got trapped by COVID-19. He’s a keep, fit man, walking the beach, hitting the gym, likes reading and classic cars. He’s interested in the learn to swim and spectacles projects. Jacky is his sponsor.
Harald Roessler is a German who has sailed the world for seven years in his sailboat, arriving on Phuket in March. He is a trained toolmaker and worked seven years with the Red Cross as a paramedic and driver. He spent 30 years as a network and infrastructure specialist in IT. He has three children, two in Germany and one in Thailand. Frank is his sponsor. 

Thank You Very Much BDO 

As a corporate member BDO’s corporate membership includes sponsoring our website and the Bulletin.
Yippie! That’s terrific. Does this mean the Bulletin editor can take a luxury boat trip to do some forensic research into the ten Rotary clubs in the Bahamas? Maybe not, but BDO’s support is most welcome. Thank you Ewe and Matthew.
BDO Services
BDO Offers. BDO offers services in a wide range of accounting practices, including: corporate and international tax, E-services tax, tax dispute resolution, VAT and indirect taxes services, financial modelling advice, accounting and bookkeeping, valuations and much, much more.
For more information, go to their website at https://www.bdo.th
But Wait, There's More New Members on the Way...
The board has approved the membership applications for Acha Chupon and Lineke van Nederpelt. Members have until 6 December 2023 to raise objections. If none the applications will be scheduled for induction. 
Acha Chupon is Thailand a member of the Akha Hilltribe. He holds a Batchelor of Business Administration and was a manager at Chem-Dry for many years. He had been involved in community service through a cafe for the elderly, helping children stay in school and helping out in temples.
Lineke van Nederpelt is from Holland originally, but spent 20 years in Singapore before arriving on Phuket three years ago. Her background is as an executive assistant, officer manager and personal assistant with experience in the NGO, hospitality, communications, the Dutch embassy in Singapore, start up operations, and with Dutch based organisations in Singapore. 
Our Wonderful Support Staff

In our continuing series of recognising the great support we get from the staff at Four Points Resort three Tuesdays a month, here is a lineup of staff who greeted us at registration on 24 October 2023 September. From left: Khun Mook, Khun M, Khun Numning and Khun Ple. Khun M is also, of course, our excellent technical guy who stops us and our guests from embarrassing hiccups in presentations.


16 December, 2023.
Doors open 6.15pm with a welcome drink. Christmas Party at 7.00pm
Price (until 1 December, 2023)
B2000 per adult for Rotary Club members and immediate family.
B2500 per adult for non-Rotary members.
B750 for children aged 6-12 years.
Price AFTER 1 December you pay B3000 whether a Rotary member or not.
Registration is mandatory. Anyone interested to register please follow this link. Registration for the public is open from 15 November onwards.
The Burning Question: Who will be Father Christmas? We know, but it's for you to find out on the night!  

Surfin' & Turfin' with Soul in the Kitchen.

Once everyone had found a park in Phuket Town (some had a little wall, some a hike) the ten Rotarians, two pending inductees, and nine guests had a very enjoyable time at Surf & Turf by Soul Kitchen a classy little restaurant in Talang Road, Phuket Town with a delicious set menu delivered by chef/owner Tom Lucas and his Saus chef Su in the kitchen and maître de Ben out front.
Oh, and after the huge Japanese scallops, the braised beef Tortelli and other beautifully prepared dishes, PP Jonathan celebrated his fifty-eighth birthday with a small cake and somewhat off-key rendition of "Happy Birthday" from the happy patrons.
And we thought he was only thirty-five! 
Thank you to Rtn Alex who was, unfortunately, able to attend this excellent dinner out.
Here is Surf and Turf by Soul's Facebook URLttps://www.facebook.com/surfandturf.soulkitchen/ 

Reviews Please: To all those who attended the Dinner Out the owner, Tom Lucas, would appreciate you doing a review of your experience. To do a review please click on this link:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/MYMATYqUmhEVdGEZ7?g_st=iw


Weekly Meeting 31 October 2023

Meeting Chair: President Walter Wyler
Participants:  Members and  guests
SAA: Rtn Bill.
The Oct 31 meeting started on time with Bill T as sergeant at arms, Joe as recorder, Nicha as photographer, Cabbie as guest speaker welcomer, and David as guest thanker. Two guests identified as Ken and Abdul.
Club Business
President Walter gave business news as follows:
- approved four new members
- no 21 November weekly meeting as the hotel is not available
- The AGM is shifted to Nov 28 and not before the Christmas Party so we are not rushed to attend a party!
All the finances documents were approved. They will be sent to all members with the AGM invitation because some still needed approval by the AGM.
Guest Speaker
Our guest speaker was Milla Budiarto, the founder and co-facilitator of Phuket Women’s and Men’s Peer Support Groups in Phuket. Milla is a certified First Aider for Mental Health and an avid mental health advocate. 
She has lived in Phuket for more than 10 years and earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Louisiana State University, USA. 
Creating A Safe Space  
In her talk, ‘Creating a Safe Space in Phuket’, Milla  shared her personal story on why and how she started the donation-based women’s and men’s peer support groups for emotional and mental health in Phuket. She also discussed  how these community initiatives ultimately led her to start her own company named Safe Space Phuket. We learned about the challenges she faced, the lessons she learned, and how you can create a safe space in your own community.
Next meeting on 12 December when JP does his "WhoAmI" little number.  
Meeting closed 20:58
Here they are: our new name tags. Thank you PP David for your sterling work on this.
The tags got their first outing at the 21 November 2023 meeting. And very nice too, they looked.
The model for this photograph is, er, Best guess? 
The tags have become more necessary because our club is growing so rapidly (we have surpassed our target of 40 members for the first time in the club's 22 year history.
Reminder: Please return your tags to the check in desk after each meeting.

Hurrah! We're Forty!

Meeting: 14 November, 2023
Chairman: President Walter
SAA: Rtn Pascal.
Who Am I? Rtn Johan
Hey, we have hit forty members for the first time in the club’s history (see story above for details). That’s right, the three people inducted at the 14 November 2023 meeting enabled us to reach the magic number. Eighteen Rotarians and seven guests looked on as President Walter inducted Ewe Heitman, Erik Peter and Harald Roessler. Matthew Cutt, an alternative to Rtn Ewe under BDO’s corporate sponsorship, was to be inducted at the AGM meeting on 28 November 2023, bringing the total membership to 41. This was the third lot of inductees this year.
On With The Show
Rtn Pascal flew in from Belgium for an extended stay to kick things off resplendent in the Rotary SAA regalia. Guest Todd Blankenship, a burly American with impressive facial hair, gave a quick presentation of his admirable charity event, the “Swim Challenge, Phuket,” where he will endeavour to swim around our island. That’s 143 kilometres in 14 days. Todd still needs sponsors. You’ll also find details of a block party Todd is holding on 3 February 2024, which sounds like a blast. Todd is on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=swim%20challenge%20phuket 
Two Aussies, Rtn Wayne from Koh Samui Club and Adam; Kyle and his guest Poom; Kevin and his wife June were also introduced. And, of course, a special welcome back to former President Hans after a long absence. Oh, and happy birthday, Rtn Bill. Strangely, no age was revealed! 
Who Am I?
Rtn Johan gave a riveting presentation about his early life in war-torn Germany. While his father, a pilot in the Luftwaffe, was being shot down three times on missions in Egypt, Britain, and Leningrad, his mother, an opera singer, Johan, and his brother endured daily bombing of their hometown of Mannheim in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. While lying in a ditch to avoid the bombing, his mother and a brother died from a bomb explosion. He and his other brother survived, but Johan was not to see him until again 1969, decades later.
Constant Hunger 
Johan spoke of how the survivors of the war, like him, endured constant hunger. He was taken in by a monastery and, at one stage, contemplated becoming a priest but decided against it and eventually went by boat to the United States, where he attended Washington University.
In an amusing aside, Johan explained how, because of his wartime and post-war experiences, he “grew up fast.”
French Kissing and....What?
So, in the conservative United States, he found exciting things he had learned, like “French” kissing and oral sex, which were somewhat alien to the innocent Americans. That got a laugh from assembled Rotarians and guests, but he was serious. Eventually, Johan went back to Germany, then back to the United States, where he was drafted into the military.
Three Instalments
This was Johan's first of three instalments about his long and adventurous life. Stay tuned for episodes two and three and maybe, more encounters of the romantic kind. Who knows? It’s an ongoing saga.  
The evening ended with a toast inspired by Rtn Johan’s talk to peace in the world. It finished right on time of 9 p.m. Well done, Mr. SAA Pascal.   

Meeting: 21 November, 2023
Chairman: President Walter
SAA: PP Andy
Guest Speaker: Dr Jim Cameron Meilke

PP Karen got the temperature down to a comfortable 24C on the thermostat before we started to save Rotarians and guests from donning Inuit (Eskimo) clothing to see the night through. Andy then introduced guest Dr Ott, a friend of our late, beloved late member PP Arnau, to the fourteen Rotarians and guest speaker present.
Round Up
A quick roundup of business:
President Walter advised of 55 Christmas Party registrations and was confident of obtaining the 85 maximum. RT Bill advised the club has given B1400 toward Violence Against Women Day during a 16-day “Safe Space” programme running from 25 November to 10 December. PP Karen reported good support for a golf tournament on 26 November proceeds to Banya Learning Centre. PP Best presented a brief recount of his “bonding” 15-hour drive to Yala with his son Lincoln to attend the presentation of a dialysis machine along with the Rotary Club of Yala and several other contributors to the $US37,503 global grant (see separate story). All reports are that father and son bonded well.
Dr Jim Cameron Mielke
Guest speaker Dr Jim Cameron Mielke was introduced by Rtn Johan. Dr Mielke, now a resident of Phuket, spent many years administering public health programmes in 15 countries in the Pacific and Asian areas, including Hawaii, Samoa, American Samoa, Vietnam, Alaska, and Thailand. He gave us a wonderfully produced travelogue showing the many varied people benefitting from the programmes he worked with, including the YMCA.
Jim was particularly associated with the Warlords Hospital in Chiang Mai. He spent time with the hill tribe people of the area. Along the way, Jim wrote three books about his experiences with another, “Backpacks, Yachties and Other Stories” about sailing around the Pacific in a small boat, about to come out.
The evening closed at 9.05 p.m. with a toast to Rotary. 
One thing Rotarians seem to enjoy the most at our meetings are the marvellous
puddings with a crazy variety of ice-cream flavours. Here's a reminder of what the greedy Rotarian can get for no particular reason than it's part of a wonderful night out three times a month.
OB Has Big Plans for 7 April 2024 
Mark Saturday, 7 April 2024 in your calendar for PP OB's big bash, somewhere on the island but not yet decided. This fund raiser is going for broke, according to its ebullient organizer who always delivers the goods.
Reaching for a million baht? Planning is still early, but OB has contacted some pretty good entertainers and promises big time dudes from Singapore, Hong Kong and the US of A will be flying in.
Tennis, Golf
There'll be tennis and golf and other things around the grand event on 7 April. Go for it OB.
(Note: Caricature by the Editor)

Finding Their Way

These happy campers of new and potential members got together on Saturday, 25 November with a few people who know a thing or two about Rotary (Walter, Sam, David, Cabbie and Joe) for the quaintly named Rotary Orientation Seminar.  We are sure, with the wisdom of their lecturers, all were well orientated before lunch. 
                         Here for no particular reason except to break up the Rotary news.

Keep Up

For new (and old, for that matter) members of our club becoming informed about what Rotary is doing at a district, national and international level can broaden the mind. Rotary is pumping out useful information all the time. 
Here are the contact URLs if you want to go online:
Rotary International Website: https://www.rotary.org/en
District Information: https://m.rotary3330.org/index 
The July-August edition of Rotary Magazine contains a long and 
informative profile of Rotary International President Gordon McInally from Scotland.



Pascal's Sartorial Elegance

Pascal De Corte graces our club for several months a year while spending much of his time in his native Belgium, as far as we can see, making money! Pascal's experiences of life at his club in Belgium are a lesson in sartorial elegance compared to our shorts, slip-ons and loud Hawiian shirts--and that's just the ladies!!!
Dressing Up is Fun
Pascal can be seen here wearing the SAA regalia regularly as he participates in club life. He is also used to dressing up for this and other parts as required. Pascal explained to the Bulletin for the weekly meetings at his Rotary club Zottegem in Belgium it was “cocktail dress code”: jacket and shirt mandatory and a tie recommended. 
Black Tie
For the presidential handover (changing president and board) a black tie dress code was mandatory. Black tie was recommended as well for “ladies nights.” Four times a year the partners were invited to a meeting. At those meetings they had a speaker (most regular meetings were without a speaker), a 5-course dinner, honorary guests, installation of new members and/or handing out the PHF’s. Later on dress code became “smart casual”; you could wear a jeans but shirt and jacket was always mandatory. 
In Thailand
Whenever Pascal is in Thailand, he visits Rotary clubs. In Bangkok he often visited RC Bangkok South an RC Bangkapi. In this picture, I assisted on one of the main projects of RC Bangkok South for collecting funds: coins on Silom. Picture: A slightly more relaxed dress code here. You look lovely in Pink, Pascal!

Shrinking? Nah.

Many non-Rotarians are prone to observe that Rotary numbers are shrinking around the world. Well, have we got news for them! Not in Thailand.
The latest figures available for this year for our District 3330 shows the following: Members 2242 (up from 2203), Clubs 103 (103) Rotaractors 233 (233) Clubs 27 (26).
For Thailand (Districts 3330, 3340, 3350, 3360) the numbers are: Members 8098 (7973) Clubs 367 (366) Rotaractors 990 (990) Clubs 77 (76). All going in the right direction.

Fore!-Our Club.

PP Karen and husband Mark organized a great day out at Aquella Golf & Country Club in Phang Na.  After all the hooks, slices, tall stories in the Nineteenth Hole were all counted up the day raised around B35,000 for the club. Well done Karen and Mark, who plan making the tournament an annual event. Thank you to BDO for its sponsorship.
Reach Out to Colin.
Living in a foreign country and learning the language is a big challenge. Plenty of our Farang members will know the intricacies of trying to learn Thai (tell me about it-Ed). So going from Phuket to Frankfurt in Germany and adjusting to the German lifestyle is always going to be tough for a young man setting out into the world. Colin Wanamakok is still adjusting to life in Germany.
Mum's Update
Able Wanamakok, Colin's Mum and former Rotarian, has provided this update: "Surpassing the three months mark, Colin (who is the first RYE student of RCoPB) is adapting well to his environment and the city life in Frankfurt, Germany.   Colin is attending a private school alongside a fellow exchange student from Mexico and he really enjoys school even though he struggles to understand what is being taught.  He said that he understands more than 50% but is able to speak less than that.
Has Many School Friends.
He has many friends at school and he reached out to other exchange students for emotional support as they hang out every other weekend in city of Frankfurt.  He loves having the freedom to go everywhere by train and he enjoys the big city life.  He misses Thai food but feels lucky that he gets to continue swimming which clears his head and be part of a new team. 
It's Cold for a Thai Boy 
He is still adjusting to the colder weather, adapting his perspective to changing situations and he counts his blessings when he misses home.   He is very thankful for this experience and he looks forward to skiing and seeing snow for the 1st time next month!”
Please Contact Conlin
PP Best has asked members to send Colin, messages of support and encouragement as Colin grapples with adjusting to a vastly different life. Colin would appreciate some encouraging words from his “aunties and uncles” at Rotary Patong.” Perhaps our German members, in particular, can offer him some advice? Colin can be reached at colintubehf@gmail.com
POSTSCRIPT: Best reported Jacky and Cabbie had both made contact. A grateful Colin replied in German. 
Meanwhile In the Wanamakok Household back on Planet Thailand...
Best and his other son Lincoln were busy representing the club at the handing over of a dialysis machine to Yala Hospital. RCOPB contributed US$9000 toward a Global Grant for the machine. Best reports it only took host club the Rotary Club of Yala, six months to deliver the machine. Thank you Best and Lincoln for making the very long journey ( Eight hours to Yala. That MG  clocked up some kilometres on our behalf.)  Best even went to an intercity meeting in Betong, two hours south of Yala. Now that's Rotary dedication for you. We hope he bought Lincoln a few ice creams and hamburgers along the way as reward for sitting in a car with his father for 15 hours on end! Best described it as a "bonding" trip with his boy.


Dr Helmut Schepers. RIP.

PP Hans posted on Line this message of condolence from our club to the Royal Rotary Club of Hua Hin on the passing of PP Dr Helmut Schepers and received a response from Hua Hin.
Any feedback, comments, complaints please contact Alastair Carthew at editor@rotarypatong.org
Gordon R. McInally
RI President
Chatchawal Telavanich
District Governor 3330
RC Samut Sakhon
Walter Wyler
RC Patong Beach
Thank you BDO, our Corporate Member,
for your outstanding support.
A big thanks to all who contributed content to this bulletin
Member Birthdays
Sompong Kongdoung
December 19


The Rotary Club of Patong Beach is a multicultural organization with members from 19 different nations
 © 2023  All rights reserved.